Jan. 21 – Ep. 41: On this episode of The Depot Dive, Joe Clark and I start by discussing the lack of changes to the coaching staff or front office in Pittsburgh. Will any changes happen in the few days leading up to the Senior Bowl and Shrine Bowl? We weigh in with our thoughts on the matter and discuss the stability of the Steelers and how you have to take the bad with the good.
For the second topic, we discuss the quarterback position. Will the Steelers address the position early in the draft? Should they move up or just roll with Justin Fields and shift their crosshairs to the 2026 NFL Draft? We discuss a wide range of topics related to the future of the quarterback position.
For the third topic, we preview some position groups and specific players we look forward to watching at the Shrine Bowl and Senior Bowl this upcoming week.
Thank you for joining us for this 38-minute episode. We hope to hear your thoughts in the comments section.
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Ross: @Ross_McCorkle
Joe: @jclark1233
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