
Tomlin: Steelers Were ‘A Bit Less Than Professional’ With Training Camp Fight

Mike Tomlin

In the heat of battle in NFL training camps, skirmishes are bound to break out. It’s just the nature of the competitive environment in the heat with pads on.

That was the case in Latrobe Wednesday. The Steelers had a fight break out following a hit on quarterback Justin Fields from linebacker Elandon Roberts, leading to quite the interruption to practice with some players ending up on the ground and words being exchanged.

For Steelers head coach Mike Tomlin, who may have set the tone for the chippy practice ahead with his choice of shoes in the morning, the training camp fight is a moment to teach and learn from for his team.

Speaking with reporters Wednesday following practice, Tomlin lamented that the Steelers were “a bit less than professional” with the fight, and that he’ll use the moment to have the team learn from, especially in an environment like training camp where reps are important and any distractions from that can be detrimental.

“We got a little bit less than professional and chippy today,” Tomlin said to reporters, according to video via “It’s an opportunity to teach and learn as part of this process. As much as we hate it, we’ll learn and grow from that.”

The fight broke out late in practice during a team session after Roberts, known to be a physical, aggressive linebacker who sets the tone from a hitting standpoint, gave quarterback Justin Fields a good pop on a read-option.

According to Steelers Depot’s Alex Kozora who was at practice, rookie guard Mason McCormick took exception to the hit and went after Roberts, leading to the fight.

“Elandon Roberts hit Justin Fields to the ground on read option,” Kozora wrote on Twitter/X.  “Rookie Mason McCormick was PISSED and came at Roberts. Big scrum. O-line standing up for their QB.”

McCormick, a fourth-round pick out of South Dakota State, was filling in for veteran guard Isaac Seumalo, who was given the day off for veteran’s rest. Coming out of SDSU, McCormick was known for the edge he plays with and the toughness that he brings. 

He didn’t stand down after watching his quarterback take what some could categorize as an unnecessary hit in training camp.

That led to the start of the fray, which Steelers Depot photographer Tim Rice captured some of on video.

The fight Wednesday comes after there was no true fight in training camp last season for the Steelers.

It’s never great to see teammates fighting in a practice setting like this, even with the pads on. But the Steelers want to play a specific style of football and bully people, and players can’t get into that mentality unless they practice it one way or another.

While Tomlin might view the scuffle as a little less than professional, behind closed doors away from the media and microphones, he has to be at least somewhat happy that his team is bringing a chippiness early in training camp, setting the tone for the season ahead.

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