
‘Great For The Organization, Great For The Community’: Omar Khan Loves Having Cameron Heyward Around

Dean Lowry Cameron Heyward Pittsburgh Steelers

The Pittsburgh Steelers and defensive lineman Cameron Heyward might be locked into a bit of a contract dispute ahead of training camp in Latrobe, but that isn’t going to affect how highly held in regard Heyward is within the organization.

Especially for GM Omar Khan.

Appearing on the 93.7 The Fan’s PM Show with co-hosts Andrew Fillipponi and Chris Mueller, Khan spoke highly of Heyward following mandatory minicamp, praising him for his meaning to the organization and the community overall.

“We love having Cam around. Cam’s an awesome, not only player — he’s got a Hall of Fame resume — but just he’s got a Hall of Fame personality, too,” Khan said of Heyward when asked about the comfort with where things stand, according to 93.7 The Fan. “He’s great to have around. He’s great for those young guys. He is great for the organization. He is great for the community.

“Anytime you see Cam in here and see that smile, whether it’s on the field or in the building in the hallway, it’s awesome to see.”

On and off the field, Heyward is a pillar for the Steelers, that much is certain.

Off the field, Heyward finally received his long overdue Walter Payton Man of the Year award this offseason, celebrating his charitable work and dedication to the community off the field. It was the sixth time Heyward was nominated as the Steelers’ representative, and it was about time he was honored for his commitment to philanthropy, community impact, and excellence on the field.

There is no denying just what Heyward means to the city of Pittsburgh off the field. His impact is immeasurable.

On the field, that impact is just as a strong. For the last decade, Heyward has been a dominant force. He has gotten better and better with age, putting together his best stretch of football after turning 30.

Though last season was racked with a groin injury, surgery, and an early return to the field, which ultimately hindered his play, he was still an impactful player when he was in the lineup simply due to his presence alone, especially against the run.

Heyward knows his importance to the Steelers, just like the Steelers know Heyward’s importance overall. At the end of the day, it’s a business, and tough conversations and tough decisions are necessary. Those tough decisions could lead to Heyward playing elsewhere in 2025, a reality that he understands. All that said though, hopefully Cam’s smile can still be seen around the facility for the rest of his playing career and both sides can get something done contractually to ensure that.

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