Season 3, Episode 93 of The Terrible Podcast is up and co-host David Todd and I discuss the decision made Sunday by the Pittsburgh Steelers to match the one-year, $2.5 million offer sheet that restricted free agent wide receiver Emmanuel Sanders signed with the New England Patriots.
We look at the Steelers cap situation moving forward and what it means as far as adding a few more players after the draft to the roster prior to June.
Former Steelers linebacker James Harrison might get signed by the Cincinnati Bengals this week, so we discuss how he might fit in there with them.
With the draft right around the corner, David and I look at the first round possibilities for the Steelers and promise to devote the Thursday show to talk about possible draft prospects.
As usual, a few more talking points are mixed in that are not recapped above.
As always, thanks for listening and don\’t forget to call or email with questions or comments and please pass us along to your friends!
The new message hotline is (814) 429-YINZ.
[audio:|titles=The Terrible Podcast – Talking Steelers Decision To Match Sanders Offer Sheet, James Harrison, Draft & More Episode]Direct download link: The Terrible Podcast – Talking Steelers Decision To Match Sanders Offer Sheet, James Harrison, Draft & More Episode
As always we love talking football, particularly Steelers football. We hope you enjoy listening! We hope you listen weekly and give us your feedback of two Daves talking Steelers football. Download it to your iPod or mp3 player and listen anytime.
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Please sit back and enjoy Episode 93 of Season 3 now of The Terrible Podcast.