We have already passed on the news that the Pittsburgh Steelers will have $758,000 worth of leftover salary cap space from 2012 that they can rollover to 2013 and now Pro Football Talk reports on Wednesday that they are also due an additional cap credit in 2013 of $642,000. I am not sure where this credit comes from as it could be LTBE (Likely To Be Earned) incentive of some kind that was not achieved by a player in 2012. The amount is so low that it is really not worth chasing down at this point, so we will just take PFT at their word.
We also passed along word on Wednesday that teams have been informed that the salary cap number for all teams in 2013 will be $121.1 million instead of the $120.9 million that was originally projected. When you add on the carryover credit of $758,000 and the newly announced credit of $642,000, you get a cap number of $122.5 million.
Based on the Rule of 51 number of $135,902,456.00 that the Steelers currently have prior to the tendering process, that puts them roughly $13,402,456.00 over the cap at this point in early February. Keep in mind that this is a pre-tendering number.