A reader asked me how I thought Frank Summers performed at fullback Saturday night versus the Detroit Lions, so I cut up some tape to take a look. It should be noted that my evaluation is based on what I assume was the assignment. It is impossible to know as a fan what exactly a player\’s job is to do on any given play. Only the coaching staff can answer that. We can only grade on what we see and perceive.
We have 11 plays below and on plays were he was not designed to lead block, it appears he carried out the proper assignment. His pass reception on play 5 was positive. He did fail on play 3 when attempting to cut block. Play 6 is hard to judge as the offensive line allowed penetration into the backfield. The other 3 blocking assignments he gets a pass on. So overall, you can see there is not much to go on, but on what can be graded, I give him an above passing grade, but would like to see a little more quickness into space off the snap. He looks to lumber at times and a bit sluggish. I will revisit his play in the second game versus the Giants on Saturday night in New York and right now do not think he has done enough to warrant a roster spot just yet. That all can change over the next 3 games and I will be watching.