
Greg Lloyd Says He Would Be In The Hall Of Fame Had He Played In The Social Media Era

Greg Lloyd

Player exposure in the NFL has never been higher than it is right now. Between the massive television and streaming deals and the wave of social media, players are becoming household names.

In a recent interview on iHeartRadio’s Conversations With A Legend, host LaVar Arrington spoke to former Pittsburgh Steelers great Greg Lloyd about social media and if he believes he would be in the Hall-of-Fame if it was around during his playing days.

“If they have social media are you in the Hall-of-Fame?” asked Arrington.

“Oh, five, ten years ago,” replied Lloyd.

The pair went on to explain that social media would be useful for a player like Lloyd who was quiet on and off the field. Its impact would allow for more fans to acknowledge his greatness on a day-to-day basis.

However, Lloyd was quick to caution about social media as well, saying it provides a platform for people who are unqualified to weigh in on a player.

“I think social media is a great thing and a great tool to be used in its proper place,” said Lloyd. “I just think that if we abuse it… you have the wrong people saying it.”

Lloyd later articulates that players get glorified on social media for a single play rather than their whole careers. He finds that to be disingenuous because the person sharing that information most likely doesn’t know the difference between a great play and a great player. Instead, he believes that analysts like Arrington should be ones having that type of dialogue as they played in the league and understand what it takes to be a high-level player.

For Lloyd, a former five-time Pro Bowler and three-time All-Pro, it is surely frustrating to see players today who he deems as lesser get more national love than he did. Had Lloyd played in an era with better coverage, he would surely be more recognized for his greatness on the field. He has previously said that he had the mindset of never letting anybody outwork him.

As for the Hall of Fame discussion, that’s a different story. While he is certainly worthy in the eyes of Steelers fans, he may struggle to earn a ballot even if he had social media.

Per Pro Football Reference’s Hall-of-Fame Monitor, Greg Lloyd only comes in as the 30th most worthy OLB in NFL history. Of those 30 only 15 are currently in Canton.

Fellow Steelers outside linebackers T.J. Watt, Joey Porter, James Harrison, Kevin Greene and Jack Ham all sit higher than him on the list. Greene and Ham are already in. Porter and Harrison may never make it, and T.J. Watt is well on his way.

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