New Pittsburgh Steeler Myles Jack made a career defining change this offseason. He went from the Jacksonville Jaguars, an organization that’s still finding its identity to one of the more stable and established cultures in the NFL.
Jack made note in particular about wanting to be uncomfortable, out of his comfort zone so to speak. Taking a chance and turning everything he knew upside down certainly wasn’t an easy decision. Speaking to the press this week via the team’s YouTube channel, Jack elaborated on what he meant.
“Yeah, the whole uncomfortable thing was just, I had been [in] Jacksonville for six years,” he told reporters. “I didn’t know any other organization. I didn’t know any other way.”
No one can blame Jack for experiencing culture shock in Pittsburgh. After enduring back to back seasons that resulted in Jacksonville getting the first overall pick, a change was certainly in order. Who can blame him after dealing with the Urban Meyer fiasco last season?
“So coming here, it’s a new culture, new everything, but it’s been for the better for me.”
Playing for a perennial playoff contender is going to do wonders for Jack. Of course he’ll be learning a new scheme, he’ll need to get acclimated to Mike Tomlin’s culture, and the fact that Pittsburgh and Jacksonville are two completely different cities, both in climate and football tradition.
“I feel like the only way you [can] win is to hold everybody accountable.”
Accountability is a pillar on which the Steelers have been built on. It’s something that’s preached from top to bottom, as Cameron Heyward explained this week, coach Tomlin won’t hesitate to let you know if you’re not up to par. Coming from a toxic environment that Meyer perpetuated, there’s no doubt that Pittsburgh must feel like a breath of fresh air for the linebacker.