NFL Draft

2021 Pro Day Results For NFL Combine Invitees Now Posted

Happy Saturday, and we hope all is well with you fine people on this second weekend of April. I have been busy today compiling the Pro Day results of the players who were invited to the 2021 NFL Scouting Combine, and now am ready to pass those along to all of you with the 2021 NFL Draft now roughly three weeks away.

The Pro Day results are compiled just like we do the annual combine results. This time, however, I have linked the name of every player to his college bio page. Additionally, I have included SPORQ scores (pSPARQ score approximations) where applicable, and also RAS (relative athletic scores) courtesy of

A good portion of this data comes vis Other data comes from individual college websites and/or their media departments. Other bits and pieces were aggregated from Twitter.

Let me know if you find any mistakes. There are a few other players with some incomplete numbers that I am looking to finish up as well, and hopefully that will be all finished by Monday morning.

Below is the link to the sheets, and we hope you enjoy the data we were able to compile.

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