
More Details Concerning Ben Roethlisberger’s New Contract Surface

The Pittsburgh Steelers finally got the contract of quarterback Ben Roethlisberger reworked this past week and the details of it hit the NFLPA on Saturday. As expected, and was reported on Thursday, Roethlisberger’s take for 2021 is now $14 million, down from $19 million, and his cap charge dropped by $15.34 million. The NFLPA shows that $15.34 million cap decrease for the Steelers on Saturday.

Thanks to former NFL agent Joel Corry of CBS Sports, we also now know what the remaining salaries are related to Roethlisberger’s deal are as a result of there being four additional years added. According to Corry, Roethlisberger’s contract now has minimum base salaries listed in years 2022-2025 and you can see those listed below.

There are also no 2021 NLTBEs (Not Likely To Be Earned) or any other incentives related to 2021 for Roethlisberger in his new contract, according to Corry.

Corry does not see any void dates related to Roethlisberger’s contract so that’s something that might need to be flushed out moving forward. If Roethlisberger’s contract voids any time before June 1 of 2022, the Steelers will have $10.34 million in dead money to absorb immediately. If, however, the contract doesn’t void until after June 1, the Steelers would then have a dead money charge of just $2.585 million in 2022 with the remaining $7.755 million being dead money in 2023.

Perhaps the biggest takeaway from this additional contract information that has now come out is that it’s all but certain that 2021 will be Roethlisberger’s final season with the Steelers and quite possibly in the NFL as well. If he were to play in 2022, it would be on a new deal as he certainly won’t play for $1.12 million.

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