
Watch : Bigger Than Ben: Part Two – Bigger Motivation

The great video docuseries about Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger and his recovery from the serious elbow injury that he suffered early during the 2019 season is continuing on on this Wednesday, September, 2, with part two of “Bigger Than Ben.” This docuseries is produced by Mango Dragon Productions and it can be viewed on YouTube.

Part two begins with Roethlisberger preparing for his elbow surgery and includes him flying out to Los Angeles. From there, this episode includes Roethlisberger undergoing his surgery, and the first few weeks after. It shows him getting his dressing removed and then ultimately getting the stitches from his surgery removed by Dr. James Bradley.

The subsequent two parts of this docuseries are scheduled to released the next two Wednesdays. Make sure you watch part two today.

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