
Steelers Give Game Ball To Maurkice Pouncey

I’m not sure if the today’s rallying cry was “win it for Maurkice Pouncey” but he was certainly on the Pittsburgh Steelers’ mind today. Sitting out the final game of his two week suspension, the team awarded him with a victory game ball after beating the Cleveland Browns 20-13 Sunday afternoon.

As you’d expect, Pouncey was glued to the game from home, capturing this video during the final kneeldowns after Joe Haden’s game-winning interception.

Prior to the game, multiple teammates wore “Free Pouncey” t-shirts. Pouncey was initially suspended three games, reduced to two on appeal, for his part in the end-game fight against the Browns earlier this season.

Pouncey has stuck up for his quarterback repeatedly throughout his NFL career and is considered a leader on the team for it. In his absence, teammates are paying it back, supporting one of the longest tenured members of roster.

On the day, Pittsburgh ran the ball for 124 total yards. Compare that to the measly 58 yards mustered in the original Steelers/Browns meeting. They’ll get him back next Sunday against the Arizona Cardinals, currently getting slaughtered by the Los Angeles Rams.

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