
Tomlin Explains Steelers Decision To Not Attend Kaepernick Recent Workout

Colin Kaepernick & Mike Tomlin

The Pittsburgh Steelers were not among the seven teams reported by ESPN to have attended the recent workout of free agent quarterback Colin Kaepernick in Riverdale, Georgia. During his Tuesday press conference, Steelers head coach Mike Tomlin was asked if the team gave any consideration to show up for Kaepernick’s workout.

“Man, we were working on a short week,” Tomlin said. “Not a lot of discussions there, to be honest with you. Not a lot of real fluid information there, how the information came out. So, no, not a lot of discussions.”

The NFL reportedly initially scheduled Kaepernick’s workout to take place as the Atlanta Falcons team facility with only five days’ notice on Tuesday, which was the Steelers last full day of practice prior to their Thursday night road game against the Cleveland Browns. However, as the workout got closer to transpiring the NFL reportedly declined to allow Kaepernick’s representatives to film the session.

Additionally, Kaepernick reportedly declined to sign an NFL waiver releasing the league from all future legal liability and that prompted the former quarterback of the San Francisco 49ers to arrange a different workout at local high school near the Falcons team facility.

Because Kaepernick’s workout went from one scheduled place to a different location, Tomlin was asked Tuesday if the Steelers had someone present for the initially scheduled session at the Falcons team facility.

“Again, I’m not commenting on our intended plans regarding free agency or who we choose to work out, or how we choose to participate,” Tomlin said. “That’s just a matter of general policy for us. The Kaepernick case is no different.”

It’s obvious that the Steelers have zero interest in signing Kaepernick and that has seemingly been the case for quite a while now. With the team having a short week last week, it’s not a bit surprising that the team seemingly decided not to send someone to Georgia to observe Kaepernick go through the paces.

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