
The Terrible Podcast – Talking Steelers 2018 Schedule, Joe Haden Comments, Draft Talk & More

Season 8, Episode 99 of The Terrible Podcast is now up and in this Friday show, David Todd and I get things started by talking a little bit more about the recent retirement of former Pittsburgh Steelers outside linebacker James Harrison. This time it’s David’s turn to give Harrison his place in Steelers lore and him potentially winding up in the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

Steelers cornerback Joe Haden met the media on Thursday and had quite a few interesting things to say regarding the offseason rebuilding of the secondary and what all went wrong in the playoff loss to the Jacksonville Jaguars. David and I attempt to parse a few of those comments.

The Steelers 2018 regular season schedule was released on Thursday, so David and I take a little time out to recap it and the few things that stick out on it.

The 2018 NFL Draft is now less than a week away, so David and I continue talking about the player the Steelers might ultimately make their first-round selection next Thursday and much, much more.

As always, several other smaller talking points are mixed in throughout the show that are not highlighted here in this post.

Thanks for listening and don’t forget to call or email with questions or comments and please pass us along to your friends!

The new message hotline is (814) 429-YINZ

Direct download link: The Terrible Podcast – Talking Steelers 2018 Schedule, Joe Haden Comments, Draft Talk & More

As always we love talking football, particularly Steelers football. We hope you enjoy listening! We hope you listen weekly and give us your feedback of two Daves talking Steelers football. Download it to your iPod or mp3 player and listen anytime.

We invite feedback and questions and they can be sent to theterriblepodcast[[AT]]gmail.com and follow the show on Twitter @TerriblePodcast. You can follow David on Twitter @DavidMTodd and me @Steelersdepot You can also call our new hotline at (814) 429-YINZ (9469) to weigh in with your thoughts or ask us questions for future podcast.

You can find us on iTunes here: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/id405990739 & here is the RSS feed to subscribe to: http://feeds.feedburner.com/TheTerriblePodcast

Please sit back and enjoy Episode 99 of Season 8 now of The Terrible Podcast.


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