Episode #57 of The Terrible Podcast is up and David Todd and I open up by discussing the current labor situation. While this isn\’t the most entertaining topic, we try to give you a short recap of where things stand now and what dates are important in the immediate future.
Turning to on-the-field issues we discuss the undrafted free agents and how the teams around the league will have much more time to review film and decide which guys to sign once the lockout is lifted. Is this good (more money) or bad (much harder to make the team)?
We move on to the Jim Wexell tweet that Daniel Snyder had said the Steelers and Redskins had a draft day trade in place, presumably to take Mike Pouncey. Turns out Snyder never said that and it wasn\’t true. How responsible is Wexell and what should he do about it? We chime in.
But what if the trade was made available today? Would you trade Cameron Heyward and Marcus Gilbert for Mike Pouncey? We discuss and you can too, by calling our new hotline (814) 429-YINZ (9469). We want to hear your thoughts on that and anything else you want to tell us.
We close with our weekly Dancing With the Stars recap. Of course.
Thanks for listening and call the new hotline (814) 429-YINZ!
[audio:https://steelersdepot.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/terrible-podcast-2011-may-18-episode-57.mp3|titles=The Terrible Podcast – Episode 57 – Steelers Podcast]As always we love talking football, particularly Steelers football. We hope you enjoy listening! We hope you listen weekly and give us your feedback of two Daves talking Steelers football. Download it to your iPod or mp3 player and listen anytime.
We invite feedback and questions and they can be sent to theterriblepodcast[[AT]]gmail.com and follow the show on Twitter @TerriblePodcast. You can follow David on Twitter @hammerspeaks and me @Steelersdepot You can also call our new hotline at (814) 429-YINZ (9469) to weigh in with your thoughts or ask us questions for future podcast.
You can find us on iTunes here: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/id405990739 & here is the RSS feed to subscribe to: http://feeds.feedburner.com/TheTerriblePodcast
Please sit back and enjoy Episode 57 now of The Terrible Podcast.