Episode #36 of The Terrible Podcast and in Part 1 of we wrap-up our analysis of Super Bowl XLV. We discuss Troy\’s reaction to the loss and acceptance for some of the blame and talk about whether it is justified. We look at the Steelers\’ nickel and dime packages and whether they made the right adjustments and we recap a few other issues from the game.
In Part 2 we talk about Hines Ward\’s dissatisfaction with not getting the ball on the last drive. Is there still a lingering issue between Ben and Hines? And we wonder why Antonio Brown didn\’t try to get to the sideline on the last Packers\’ kick-off. Finally we get to some issues taking place off the field–who is and will have surgery. And, will the Steelers defensive philosophy continue to hold up or do changes need to be made? News comes out that defensive backs coach Ray Horton is leaving to be defensive coordinator in Arizona.
In Part 3 we talk about the suggestion that the Steelers move Maurkice Pouncey from center to guard and put Doug Legursky at center. We close with a look at the seating fiasco in Dallas and what the NFL is going to do about it.
Make sure you also listen to Friday\’s Episode 37 when we go through all 60+ guys on the Steelers roster and analyze whether they will be back and what the ramifications will be.
Thanks for making our podcast so successful and we hope you continue to listen. Thanks for listening and your continued support!
[audio:https://steelersdepot.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/terrible-podcast-2011-feb-9-episode-36.mp3|titles=The Terrible Podcast – Episode 36 – Steelers Podcast]As always we love talking football, particularly Steelers football. We hope you enjoy listening! We hope you listen weekly and give us your feedback of two Daves talking Steelers football. Download it to your iPod or mp3 player and listen anytime.
We invite feedback and questions and they can be sent to theterriblepodcast[[AT]]gmail.com and follow the show on Twitter @TerriblePodcast. You can follow David on Twitter @hammerspeaks and me @Steelersdepot
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Please sit back and enjoy Episode 36 now of The Terrible Podcast.