Episode #8 of The Terrible Podcast is now up for you to listen to as David Todd and I recap the Mike Tomlin press conference from Tuesday in part one we go over the injuries that took place last and some personnel moves that may or may not be made as a result of those injuries. In part two, we wrap up the loose ends of the Ravens game and discuss the offensive line among other things. Before part three, I interview Alex Holmes, former USC tight end and brother-in-law of Steelers safety Troy Polamalu and he talks about Troy and his contest of how you can win 4 tickets and field passes to the Steelers Bengals game this Sunday at Heinz Field. In part three, David and I discuss a few topics of interest around the NFL and give our thoughts on Josh McDaniels being out in Denver and Albert Haynesworth being suspended in Washington.
We hope you listen weekly and give us your feedback of two Daves talking Steelers football. Download it to your iPod or mp3 player and listen anytime.
We invite feedback and questions and they can be sent to theterriblepodcast[[AT]]gmail.com and follow the show on Twitter @TerriblePodcast. You can follow David on Twitter @hammerspeaks and me @Steelersdepot
You can find us on iTunes here: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/id405990739 & here is the RSS feed to subscribe to: http://feeds.feedburner.com/TheTerriblePodcast
Please sit back and enjoy Episode 8 now of The Terrible Podcast.
[audio:https://steelersdepot.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/terrible-podcast-2010-dec-8-episode-8.mp3|titles=The Terrible Podcast – Episode 8 – Steelers Podcast]