
George Pickens On How Much Of His Talent We’ve Seen So Far: ‘I’d Say 80%’

While the Pittsburgh Steelers have a decorated history when it comes to the wide receiver position, they may be as weak as they’ve ever been there recently. After trading Diontae Johnson and cutting Allen Robinson II, the team made some signings at wide receiver but did not add truly established player. The best addition may be Roman Wilson, and he has yet to take an NFL snap. For the offense to improve this year and look competent, the Steelers are going to need George Pickens to be prepared to carry the lion’s share of the work. Luckily, it seems that he feels he’s more than up to the task.

With OTAs beginning today, many players had the opportunity to speak to the media for the first time this offseason. Jason Mackey of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette tweeted that he asked Pickens “to put a percentage on how much of his ability we’ve seen.”

“I’d say 80%. I can thrive more,” Pickens said in response to Mackey’s question.

It certainly sounds like Pickens isn’t afraid to ramp his game up to the next gear this season. Considering the incredible feats of athleticism Pickens has already displayed, it’s impressive to hear that he believes he has more left in the tank. He’s been on an upward trajectory so far in his short career, so it’s plausible to think that will only continue.

Just as well, the Steelers’ offense should benefit Pickens much more this year than it ever has before. Not only should Arthur Smith be an upgrade at offensive coordinator, but Pickens’ skill set should also complement QB Russell Wilson perfectly. Wilson has always been more effecting throwing high-arcing balls down the sideline, and that area has been Pickens’s specialty so far. Fans have seen his outstanding contested-catch abilities firsthand with less skilled quarterbacks. With Wilson throwing the ball — assuming he holds off Justin Fields for QB1 — those chances should happen much more frequently.

All signs point toward Pickens thriving more this year, but fans will have to wait and see to really know for sure. Sometimes in football, a perfect marriage on paper becomes much more complicated in practice. Not every duo can be Tom Brady and Randy Moss. Pickens will surely see more attention from defenses this year too, so he might need that extra 20 percent in order to succeed. For the Steelers to not spend another season with a floundering offense, they’ll need that.

And maybe more.

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