
Najee Harris Reveals The Craziest Question He Was Asked In The Pre-Draft Process

2021 NFL Draft stage

Every year, there seems to be some story about a wild question a draft prospect gets asked. Some of which are still talked about today for unflattering reasons.

Najee Harris joined San Francisco’s 104.5 KNBR Wednesday and was asked to name the craziest question he was asked during his pre-draft process.

“I think the craziest one was like when they asked me when is the last time you shot a gun?” Harris told the show .

He also provided the team who asked an answer.

“I was like, a couple weeks ago actually.”

To be clear, Harris is not saying the Steelers asked him that. In fact, he didn’t specify which team asked and there’s no knowing what team actually asked him that question. The NFL Draft process is a thorough one and teams want to know everything about the player they’re interested in drafting. Every aspect of a prospect’s life is examined, on and off the field. It’s the latter teams really try to unearth. It’s easy to scout a player off the tape. Finding about who they are as an individual takes just as much, if not more, work.

To a broader and more serious point, Harris said his time at Alabama, a NFL-like run program, prepared him well for his interviews with teams.

“It was a funny story actually. Anytime that I was in the draft process of interviews with teams when I was looking to get selected, they would always interview me and be like, ‘we’re gonna call you Tuesday six o’clock and we’re gonna give you a breakdown of our offense. But here’s some tips to help you out like a little, a little quiz.’ I look at it when I I’m done with the call and then I’ll be like, ‘oh, I’m not studying for this stuff.’ Because I already know all of it. It’s just different terminology, right? So when they test me on it, I get all of it right. I wouldn’t even study for it just because Alabama’s taught me all of their stuff.”

Harris was certainly NFL-ready, becoming the league’s workhorse back and wore every hat for the Steelers as a runner, receiver, and blocker. He was up to that tall task, having a strong first season despite playing behind a patchwork offensive line and limited offense.

He’ll enter 2022 in an even better place with a year under his belt, enjoying his offseason instead of the rigors – and craziness – of the NFL Draft process.

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