
Watch: Chris Wormley Run Defense Cut-up

Short video for you all today. We did our deep dive into Chris Wormley shortly after the Pittsburgh Steelers traded for him but I wanted to add a reel of his run stops during 2019. Just a 90 second clip, no audio, but he’s spotlighted so you can follow along.

I will annotate it in this post for extra play-by-play.

1. Stacks the TE, gets eyes on the ball, sheds to the outside, finishes the play with the tackle.

2. Flow down the line to beat the cutoff/reach block by the tight end, close, make the tackle.

3. Vision on the ball, gain inside leverage, defeat Matt Feiler’s block, same knee/shoulder tackle, finish the play.

4. Gets head outside to find the ball carrier, hold point of attack while moving laterally, collapse the gap and end the play.

5. Quick first step inside to secure his gap, works down the line to make the tackle. Good close and tackle.

6. Split the combo block, win inside of the RT, works hard down the line to run to the ball and finish. Love the effort and chase here.

7. Good leverage, stack and shed, find the ball carrier, disengage, secures the runner’s legs, roll tackle to get him on the ground. Maintained a strong base to hold the point of attack here.

8. Stacks/shed, leverage to control the block and get into the Jets’ LG chest, hold the inside gap, gets his head outside while keeping arms extended and body out of the block, shed, tackle.

9. Flows down the line to help prevent cutback and finishes with good hit power. Nice bit of effort to gang tackle.

10. Hold point of attack against double-team, clog lane, help make stop as RB tries to get upfield.

11. Quick first step, strong punch, takes control of the block, eyes on the ball, sheds as back cuts inside, finishes with a roll tackle for the stop.

12. Controls block and his gap, finds the ball carrier, wins inside and closes to help make the stop, prevent a cutback.

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