Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger has been miraculously healed on this Monday. Can I get an ‘Amen’?
After reporting earlier on Monday that people he’s talked to who have spoken with Roethlisberger say the quarterback has some doubt whether he’ll ever play football again, Chris Mortensen of ESPN has now reserved course. Mortensen took to Twitter with a tweet late Monday afternoon that resembles quite a bit of backpedaling.
“Clarity to calm down the masses – the Steelers are now optimistic Ben Roethlisberger will recover from elbow surgery to reattach three tendons,” tweeted Mortensen. “Not cleared to throw yet but he is tracking better and Ben himself wants and expects to play in 2020 and beyond, per sources.”
So, in a matter of hours we have gone from Roethlisberger being unsure he’ll ever play again, to the quarterback wanting to, and expecting to, play not only in 2020, but beyond.
Praise Jesus! Prayer works.
As I mentioned in my initial post on this topic, it’s my duty to pass along reports on this site such as the original one by Mortensen this morning to the readers even if I don’t fully believe them. Mortensen’s report went way against the grain from what all has been reported about Roethlisberger since he underwent surgery on his elbow.
Also as I previously mentioned, Ron Cook of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette talked to Roethlisberger right after the Steelers Sunday night home loss to the Buffalo Bills and the quarterback indicated that his rehab is on track.
There’s no hurry for Roethlisberger to resume throwing just yet and he likely won’t for several more weeks. Until we have reason to believe otherwise, Roethlisberger’s elbow should fully recover so that he can at least play out the final two years of his current contract.
At some point in the coming weeks or months I’m sure we’ll hear a report about Roethlisberger criticizing his elbow for not healing fast enough. Until we do, however, don’t worry about whether Roethlisberger will be able to play in 2020 or beyond.