Steelers News

Tomlin Not Surprised By Roethlisberger Hinting He Might Retire

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger said Tuesday morning on 93.7 The Fan that he’s not ready to commit to playing in 2017 and that he needs to pray and talk to his family before making such a decision. As you can imagine, head coach Mike Tomlin was asked to address Roethlisberger’s comments during his end-of-the season press conference.

“He said it. So you do take it seriously,” Tomlin said “I think that that’s a fair assessment in terms of where he is in his career. I’m not alarmed by it. I just think that that’s football.

“Obviously, I’m hopeful that he returns. His return obviously and the potential for his return or not returning will weigh heavily in our planning. But I’m not alarmed or surprised by that thought process. That’s life. He’s a significant component, the most significant component of what it is that we do and we’ll plan and react accordingly.”

Tomlin did indicate later during his press conference that this is not the first time Roethlisberger has told him that he might not return for a following season.

Tomlin also said Tuesday that he has not spoken with his quarterback since the end of the season but plans to so as he continues on with his exit interview with players. He indicated that Roethlisberger is usually the last one he talks to.

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