Season 2, Episode 99 of The Terrible Podcast is up and since we had overwhelming feedback from the last draft talk podcast with NFL draft scout Dave-Te Thomas, I decided to have him back on again Sunday night for a special edition of the podcast. You asked, you receive as I get Thomas for a solid hour and we talk about several of the Pittsburgh Steelers pre draft visitors and a slew of other prospects that the Steelers might have their eyes on in the upcoming draft.
It is hard to recap this episode properly, but I hope you have an hour free as I threw question after question at him and nailed him down on a few of the early round prospects. We cover a few of the same names more in depth from the podcast along with a few more as well. Thomas is not on Twitter, but was amazed at the feedback he received from his last appearance. Make sure to drop him a line at scoutingservices {{AT}} aol {{DOT}} com to thank him for coming on the show. We hope to have him back on after the draft to talk about the Steelers draft picks.
So here you go, one hour of draft talk with Dave-Te. Enjoy.
As always, thanks for listening and don\’t forget to call or email with questions or comments and please pass us along to your friends!
The new message hotline is (814) 429-YINZ.
[audio:|titles=The Terrible Podcast – Scout Dave-Te Thomas Returns To Talk More NFL Draft Episode]Direct download link: The Terrible Podcast – Scout Dave-Te Thomas Returns To Talk More NFL Draft Episode
As always we love talking football, particularly Steelers football. We hope you enjoy listening! We hope you listen weekly and give us your feedback of two Daves talking Steelers football. Download it to your iPod or mp3 player and listen anytime.
We invite feedback and questions and they can be sent to theterriblepodcast[[AT]] and follow the show on Twitter @TerriblePodcast. You can follow David on Twitter @hammerspeaks and me @Steelersdepot You can also call our new hotline at (814) 429-YINZ (9469) to weigh in with your thoughts or ask us questions for future podcast.
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Please sit back and enjoy Episode 99 of Season 2 now of The Terrible Podcast.