2009 Salary Cap

Ziggy Hood & Kraig Urbik Contract Numbers

Below are the contract numbers for 1st round pick Ziggy Hood and 3rd round pick Kraig Urbik. The base yearly numbers are correct and the signing bonus numbers are from estimations according to published reports. I have also updated the Steelers salary cap page. This includes the guesstimate on the new Heath Miller contract as base numbers have not been released yet.

Ziggy Hood
2009 1100000.00
2010 395000.00
2011 600000.00
2012 600000.00
2013 660000.00
Signing Bonus 6,000,000.00

Kraig Urbik
2009 310000.00
2010 395000.00
2011 480000.00
Signing Bonus 593,000.00

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