Steelers News

New Deal For LB James Harrison Might Be On Tap

Steelers LB James Harrison was a steal this past year, salary wise. All of that has changed now. Harrison has one year left on his current contract and reportedly both sides have talked about a new contract. Harrison was selected the NFL\’s defensive player and his 100-yard interception return proved huge in the Steelers win Super Bowl XLIII.

“I was hoping we\’d get $100,” Harrison\’s agent, Bill Parise, said with a laugh while in Honolulu, where he joined Harrison for this week\’s Pro Bowl.

Harrison signed his current contract before the 2006 NFL season when he was a backup linebacker. He earned a $1.2 million this past season and $1.1 million in 2007. Harrison is set to earn $1.4 million in the 2009 season with a 1.7 million cap number.

“We have had discussions, not negotiated, but we have talked,” Parise said. “I think the Steelers and I are on the same page. We don\’t think there will be any issues. My goal and, I think, theirs is the same. We know what we need to do and we\’ll both go about the business of trying to get it done.”

Parise said he believes a new deal can be wrapped up fairly quickly.

“I\’m not worried about the Steelers at all. Their history shows they do the right thing at the right time.”

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