
The Terrible Podcast — Talking Steelers’ Official 2024 Schedule, Cameron Heyward Contract Situation & More

The Terrible Podcast

Season 14, Episode 133 of The Terrible Podcast is now in the can. In this Wednesday episode, Alex Kozora, Joe Clark, and I get right to talking about the Pittsburgh Steelers’ 2024 schedule with the release coming on Wednesday evening.

We go game by game through the first 10 matchups before talking about the tough back half of the schedule from a high-level overview. We discuss some of the matchups we look forward to seeing on each team, reasons to be optimistic or worried about each game and how the first half of the schedule is no cakewalk, either.

We wrap up the schedule talk by offering each of our favorite and least favorite parts of it and by discussing the six division matchups over the final eight weeks of the season.

Later in this show, we talk about Cameron Heyward sitting out voluntary OTAs and the possibility of a contract extension. We weigh in on whether or not we want to see an extension, what the alternatives might be, and whether Heyward can remain effective as a player for two or three more seasons.

Some other minor topics not noted are also discussed in this 94-minute episode.

Direct link: The Terrible Podcast — Talking Steelers’ Official 2024 Schedule, Cameron Heyward Contract Situation


As always, we love talking football, particularly Steelers football. We hope you enjoy listening! We hope you listen weekly and give us your feedback of two fans talking Steelers football. Download it to your mobile device and listen anytime.

We invite feedback and questions, and they can be sent to theterriblepodcast@gmail.com, and follow the show on Twitter @TerriblePodcast. You can also call our new hotline at (814) 429-YINZ (9469) to weigh in with your thoughts or ask us questions for future podcast.

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Please sit back and enjoy Episode 133 of Season 14 now of The Terrible Podcast.


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