Cameron Heyward knows that Pittsburgh Steelers fans received some bad press earlier this season when the wife of a Cleveland Browns player spoke out about what she felt was poor treatment. While even her husband downplayed the situation, it’s true that fans aren’t always brimming with kindness toward their perceived opponents.
Recently, a Philadelphia Eagles fan who berated a Green Bay Packers fan lost his job and received a ban from the stadium. Cameron Heyward discussed the subject on his Not Just Football podcast. He’s had his own experiences when the Steelers are on the road.
“Yeah, my wife won’t go to Cleveland games. She wears my jersey. It’s not like it’s ‘welcome home’ or anything,” Heyward said.
And he’s not the first Steelers player whose wife came to the same conclusion. The wife of Joey Porter Sr. said that Browns fans once drove her out of the stadium due to harassment.
The Steelers arguably have their most heated rivalry with the Browns, overall. The rivalry with the Ravens has gradually become more respectful, and the Bengals had their moments, particularly with Vontaze Burfict. But Browns fans are often the most intense, among their divisional rivals.
Philadelphia fans have a distinguished reputation for poor conduct, of course. But Heyward says no team is free of it.
“I’m not saying it’s just Eagles fans, either. I think there are a lot of fans that participate in that,” Heyward said. “You just try to block out the noise and keep it moving. At the end of the day, they’re just trying to be passionate.”
But Heyward also said that his wife doesn’t bring their children on the road anymore. Not after a fan of one opponent flipped one of his sons the finger.
“It’s not worth them dealing with liquored-up fans and disrespectful,” he said.
In many stadiums, though not necessarily the Steelers, teams provide accommodations for players’ families. That’s not nearly as manageable on the road, and of course opposing teams can’t host everyone’s family.
As Heyward’s co-host advised, it’s best to go to the game without any identifying apparel, if you go at all. You simply cannot trust that the people you’re seated near will be respectful toward an opposing fan. Especially when there is alcohol and emotions involved, regrettable things can and do happen. And the Steelers are not immune to it from their fans, either.
Still, Heyward decided to name Cleveland as a place his wife doesn’t attend games. Does she attend the Steelers’ road games in other stadiums? Is there something specific about their experiences with Browns fans? I don’t think anybody would be particularly surprised if that were the case.